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Make Big Data a BIG part of your business plan

Written by CSSCorp | Jun 10, 2014 1:55:10 PM

The data derived from a normal customer interaction can vary in significance across various levels. It can be hugely insightful, or just about data as is. The tragedy is, tech support teams almost always fail to see its significance in the scheme of things. The data is collated and stored, sometimes even organised and formatted, but still not used for insights. With effective technologies, tools and processes available, where is the disconnect? The shortfall has to be in the awareness of the people. They, more often than not, do not realise it would be a colossal waste not to derive market insights from it.

Most enterprises as a whole do not realise the impact this goldmine of data can have on their market positioning, strategies and even growth plans. The right data that can help derive the smartest insights is priceless. But that can happen only when the awareness of its criticality and utility in context of the business plans, is spread company wide.

Using customer insights derived from the available Big data also needs thought leadership championing. The business plans that are formed at leadership level, need the strategies to also come from the top. So it is the leadership team that needs to ensure the awareness of how significant Big data is for their business goals, becomes a company-wide goal. It is also their duty to ensure that a roadmap is created for how this resource can be used to help the company get where it should be. Every single person in the enterprise needs to be aware of the roadmap, and the role Big data can play in it. Big Data Analytics thus, needs to be incorporated into the organisational processes, and the approach needs to be top down. The flow of information for making it a part of every strategy and decision making process needs to come down from the leadership teams.

Thereafter, the second level of disconnect lies in the failure to make the data available across the teams that can actually use it as a business tool. Sitting in silos at the customer end of the process, it really serves no purpose. That dormant state can be remedied, but only after widespread awareness of its importance is created across the enterprise. The information needs to be then withdrawn from silos where it resides, and given the treatment of any other decision making tool. It needs to be led by a well defined enterprise strategy.

To get maximum benefits, enterprises have to understand the need to develop tools and frameworks that will help get data out of these silos, on a connected platform, making it available for insightful decision taking across the enterprise. Awareness of its utility needs to be the first step in this process. A trusted tech support partner can play a big role in bringing about this awareness and then, using it to leverage the goldmine of data you are sitting on.