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Customer Experience - The Focal Point of CMOs strategy in 2017

Written by CSSCorp | Feb 17, 2016 9:26:46 AM

It’s official. It’s no longer just about customer experience but it is about Customer Experience – CX, in capital letters. All the revolutions in globalization of technology, economics and demographics have been leading up to this moment. The moment where the ubiquitously connected individual aka the customer, is at the center of it all, with a device in her, or his hand.

Screen on, game on!

As we begin the race for socialization, personalization, customization and localization of all that matters to the individual, every business and business process is getting upended. And a common theme seems to pervade them all, and that is Customer Experience – a catch-all phrase that could cover just about anyone and anything but one not without its insight.

It’s not so much about the outcome (say, a wrong shipment or a failed resolution) but about the manner in which it is handled and resolved. The experience of the whole business rather than the result, and that comes as quite a shocker to many hard-nosed, result-driven business executives. By the way, “89% of consumers have stopped doing business with a company after experiencing poor customer service.” *

And why is a tech support company talking Customer Experience?

  • Shouldn’t we be talking network routers and system protocols?
  • Shouldn’t we be talking automation technology and cloud security?
  • Isn’t Customer Experience marketing’s problem?

All valid questions, and we hope to find a few answers here. The way we see it, a seamless technology infrastructure, coupled with a global, skilled, non-stop support force is what makes for a good customer experience, irrespective of the business vertical. And here’s where CSS Corp can provide the much needed differentiator to building great brands and businesses. Through delightful Customer Experience. Know more about our support services.