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Customer Success Digitally Augmented

Digitally augmenting Customer Success for a growing security access provider

By the year 2020, there will be over 6 billion connected smartphones and around 50 billion connected devices on the planet. 1 in every 5 adults in the U.S. are never offline and this has heralded the digital age of the connected customer. In this new age, only companies that can deliver an exceptional customer experience to their digital customers can hope to survive in a hyper-connected world.

Customer Success Digitally Augmented

With regards to customer success, a McKinsey study concluded that companies who can consistently deliver a high-quality customer experience can improve their customer satisfaction level by 33%, while creating cost savings of around 25-30%.

Customer Success and why it is critical for business

Creation of customer value as a business practice can be traced back to the era of industrial production and distribution. With the onset of the digital economy, business leaders are focusing on how to engage more effectively with their customers and differentiate themselves from the traditional models of delivering customer value.

Customer success has evolved today, digital customers who look for seamless services beyond simple product purchase and problem resolutions. Through the convenience of multiple channels including customer chat, websites, phone and social media, customers are expecting a seamless interaction with companies, along with a consistent, proactive and a personalized experience across multiple touch points.

How CSS Corp tapped on customer success for the client

Along with the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in consumer applications, customer success is being powered by technologies including real-time analytics and automation. Through the automation of lower skills, highly-skilled digital workers are now more focused on business growth and customer-centric practices. According to industry analyst, Gartner, 45% of the companies with the highest growth will be using more smart machines than human employees by the year 2018, while the use of AI-powered virtual customer agents will increase by 1000% by the year 2020.

The adoption of AI, Analytics and Automation technologies is now integral to the delivery of exceptional customer success and provides benefits, including:

  • Cost reduction by optimizing on available resources
  • Consistent user experience at multiple touch points
  • Reduction in consumer and agent interactions
  • Effective diagnosis and prediction of customer issues

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Customer success is now measured by the following metrics and numbers that are relevant to 2017:

  • Customer satisfaction (with a CSAT score of 8.8)
  • Annual productivity (34,000 customer cases)
  • Case deflection (18.1 for over 400,000 views)

CSS Corp is delivering exceptional customer experience (CX) to its customers through solutions that have advanced AI, Analytics, and Automation capabilities. With over 20,000+ customers, 18 million secure endpoints, over 200 patents and 17 years of R&D work, CSS Corp’s customer has delivered customer success to a variety of industry players.

CSS Corp has enabled this customer deliver exceptional CX and customer success through the innovative iTack framework, comprising of the following key elements

CSS Corp iTack Framework
  • Intelligent support

According to Gartner, AI and machine learning will augment and extend every technology device and service. The ITack framework enables the creation of intelligent support that can learn, adapt, and provide autonomous actions, rather than execute simple preconfigured instructions. Powered by real-time analytics, the iTack framework allows self-learning for automated systems to gather human agent reaction and respond more proactively to customer queries.

  • Competency in technology

Customer success depends on how well brands are meeting customer expectations and have invested in experience management. The technology competency element in the iTack framework enables business to collect and analyze customer-related information (across the web and social media) to address how customers are using their products, the common service issues faced by customers and their overall satisfaction level with the product or service.

  • Automation & Analytics

This includes providing a consistent brand experience for the customer across all channels. Use of automation and analytics in the iTack framework to anticipate, learn, and improve on providing a better customer experience. Another aspect of the framework is anomaly detection that do not conform to expected customer behavior.

  • Customer advocacy

Customer advocacy covers the potential of digital co-creation as a method of creating value for customers. Effective go-to-market (GTM) strategy involves leveraging of the company’s distribution model to implement the level of sales and support required for product marketing. Use of the social media is another effective platform for customer advocacy.

  • Knowledge Management

With the growing importance of customer experience, companies with a knowledge base can excel in providing exceptional customer service. Use of an accessible knowledge platform enable customers to find solutions to majority of their problems with the product or service. The iTack framework enables federated search technology for information retrieval by searching across multiple searchable resources.

Through their strategic partnership, CSS Corp enabled the client achieve the following in 2017:

  • 15% improvement in CSAT score
  • 20% improvement in resolution time
  • 10% reduction in operating costs

Implementation of the iTack framework also provided the following key benefits:

  • An overall 4x improvement in the uptime of the product or device
  • A Net Promoter Score of over 75. This score is an index range (-100 to 100) that measures the customer’s willingness to recommend the company’s product to others.
  • 20-25% reduction in overall customer efforts
  • 25-30% improvement in customer case deflection
  • Less than 3% escalation of customer cases using predictive analysis

CSS Corp and its AI, Automation, and Analytics capabilities

CSS Corp is an IT services and technology company that has used its capabilities in AI, Automation, and Analytics to deliver customer-specific business solutions. The company has the industry experience of delivering and deploying IT infrastructure for over 100 global clients. This company has partnered with its customers in delivering high-quality CX for their clients.

CSS Corp Cognitive Customer Experience platform is a next-generation virtual assistant platform that provides consistent customer experience by integrating with multiple customer channels including voice, email, and chat and enabling technology-powered voice interactions.

CSS Corp Contelli provides an intelligent automation platform for IT infrastructure management, which is transforming IT operations through the deployment of intelligent virtual assistants (for task automation) and self-help, thus improving CX and reducing total cost of ownership.

CSS Corp Active Insights is the company’s channel analytics product used for product analysis and process optimization, which provides real-time predictive analysis on customer behavior on cloud-based platforms.

CSS Corp is at the forefront of Innovation

CSS Corp has been at the forefront of innovation. With digital being the cornerstone, 3 areas have gained prominence and we’ve been seeing increased traction amongst the three channels working together to provide a unique experience to clients.

The combination of the 3 technology A’s namely AI, Automation, and Analytics has contributed to the dynamic transformation of customer experience and customer success. CSS Corp can leverage the expertise in all 3 technologies to deliver the right solution for your business needs.

Vivian Gomes

Chief Marketing Officer, CSS Corp

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