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IoT’s impact on customer experience

Yesterday (The 90s)

I have an uncle who is 6'5" tall and has big feet. He could never find a shoe that fits his size. Every time he walked into a shoe store he would always get the same reply that there is no shoe that fits his feet. He would travel to a different city and get custom made shoes for him.


Today (2015)

My uncle enters a shoe store. He finds a display with the model he likes. A sales personnel comes forward and assists by searching for colour, size and model. As my uncle has very big feet, the shoes are not usually on display. The sales guy goes to the back room searching for the shoes in the inventory. Meanwhile my uncle would hope that he at least finds a pair of shoes that fits him. The sales personnel comes back with a box of shoe and suggests my uncles to try that shoe. This shoe has a different colour. My uncle tries this shoes and eventually buys it even though it was not his first choice. He then joins the long queue at the checkout counter and makes the purchase.

Tomorrow (Near future)

My uncle walks into a shoe store. When he reaches the formal shoe display section, he gets a message on his smart phone that tells him the exact location of his preferred shoe model in the store. The message also says that he can also try an alternate model in the nearest shelf. He then tries the shoe and when he is happy, his emotions are captured and through a near-field communication system the payment transaction gets completed and the shopper gets an alert on his phone. He walks out of the store with happiness.

A great customer experience delivered through IoT. InfraSupport companies that are geared up for this revolution will rule the roost in the IoT world.

Prason is a story teller and the content curator at CSS Corp.


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