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10 Best Blogs of 2019 from CSS Corp's Reading Corner

Dear Readers,


Happy 2020!

We thank you for being such a supportive crowd along our journey in 2019. Our content marketing efforts in 2019 centered around collating and presenting information that could help organizations understand how technology is enabling companies to move beyond cost optimization and process development. Our focus was to map technology and business outcomes and how technology can significantly help companies drive faster-time-to-market.  

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Keeping that in mind, we will count down our top 10 blogs of 2019 that struck a chord with the audiences the most!

1. Once Again the Data Analytics Suite Raises the Bar

Amidst a line-up of elite data analytics service providers, CSS Corp won the 2019 Best Big Data Analytics Service Provider Award hands down. Read More

2. Amplify Agents to Transform CX in Customer Service

Customer Support Representatives are the bridge between customers and company. A holistic agent amplification model enables better customer experience. Read More

3. Where do we draw the line for Automation in CX?

An ideal solution is to take a holistic approach that combines the human-element and automation technology to deliver a highly personalised experience. Read More

4. 6 reasons why Gaming Organizations need good Customer Services

Six key reasons on the customer service front that can be useful for gaming providers looking to add value to their subscribers. Read More

5.  Lab-as-a-Service: An Emerging Horizon of Possibilities

The digital-first economy has upended the entire R&D process. Decision makers are thinking of how to enable risk-free digitization of processes. The answer is Lab-as-a-Service that brings together infrastructure, expertise, and services to tackle disruptions. Read More

6.  A Guide to Differentiated Pricing Models for the Digital Age

To nail the right commercial model, work with your service provider to drive value and differentiation by focusing on unique elements of your ecosystem. Read More

7. When the going gets tough, it is time to pull up your socks!

Talent acquisition highlights that a solid grounding in the basics such as computer architecture, programming, and analytical thinking is necessary. Read More

8. Location Intelligence unlocks the true value of Geo-spatial Data

To continually evolve, companies should identify relationships that underpin actionable value. Geospatial technologies are facilitating high-end location intelligence along with IoT, Big Data and AI to build smart, inclusive customer communities and transform the way we live and work. Read More

9.      Neutralize Cyber-Attacks with Contextual Intelligence

The connected world is offering multiple windows of opportunities to cyber-criminals. IoT, smart cities, augmented reality, high smartphone penetration, and 5G are key enablers for the connected global village. In this case, contextual intelligence comes to the rescue to neutralize cyber-attacks. Read More

10. Conversational AI: The Digital Retail Wonder

AI is a tool that is delivering better customer experiences along multiple touch points in the purchase journey. Conversational AI encompassing chat-bots, digitization, facial recognition, augmented reality, virtual fitting rooms are all technologies that are ensuring brand equity for retailers. Read More

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