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Aparna Krishnan is tackling stereotypes!

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This year my professional life is reaching adulthood.

18 years!

Incidentally, I started my 1st job on International Women’s Day. I remember the day very well. After the induction formalities, I attended a host of women’s day celebrations, one of which included debates on how difficult it was for women in the corporate world!

Really? Not an encouraging start to my career!

But 18 years down the line, how has the journey been?

The path to a Finance Controller (CFO) is always challenging, filled with deadlines, and statutory compliance - it requires juggling between trying to be a trusted business partner and being independent! Additionally, I have to strike a balance with my share of personal milestones and inflection points – marriage, motherhood, relocating across geographies, ageing parents, all of which has not been easy.

So what keeps me going?

My parents' upbringing and belief that their daughters are equal

My quest for new learning

Adaptability to change

Compulsive optimism

The ability to build a reasonable algorithm to squeeze my personal and professional priorities for the day

The grit to continue and pace this marathon, and

A great peer network and inspiring leaders who recognize and appreciate my potential!

But how has this path been different from my male counterparts? Perhaps, algorithms were not lucky enough to penetrate their daily lives, and I wonder if they found themselves outnumbered by women in business meetings! But, I am glad that my journey continues at CSS Corp with the same conviction, where I have a seat in the boardroom discussions, sharing the space with some similar, inspiring executive leadership who are cognizant of diverse potential!


CSS Corp is a proud recipient of 'Dream Companies to Work For' by ET Now for 2 years in a row now!

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